Our vision

In all countries of the Mediterranean basin, agriculture is still economically important, sociale et culturelle capitale.

However, the sustainability of agricultural systems, security and food sovereignty of these countries should be reviewed at the dawn of the twenty-first century challenges :

  • increased pressure on resources (sun, water, energy)
  • reorganization of agricultural markets due to globalization of the economy
  • reconfiguration and integration of regional political structures

To meet these challenges, AGRIATE is open to all organizations, both French and international, involved in activities of agriculture and rural development :

  • institutions, agencies and public institutions, local authorities
  • NGOs, foundations, associations
  • private companies

Through his experiences, AGRIATE has developed a network of experienced local partners (organizations and private consultants), present in various Mediterranean countries.

AGRIATE be mobilized, One such partnership, on short missions, moyen ou long terme.